lazy cook's golumpki stuffed cabbage

Lazy Cook's Golumpki (Stuffed Cabbage) Recipe Web  1 1⁄2 lbs ground beef 4 cups cabbage, chopped (or more-I use.

Lazy Cook's Golumpki (Stuffed Cabbage) Recipe
Lazy Cook's Golumpki (Stuffed Cabbage) Recipe from

Web  Directions Heat butter in a skillet over medium heat; cook and stir onion until tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Add ground beef; cook and stir until beef is browned and crumbly, 5 to 10 minutes. Combine water, cabbage, tomato puree, tomato soup, rice, beef bouillon, salt, and pepper in a slow cooker; add ground beef mixture. Cook on High for 8 hours.

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